May 18, 2009

AV Smackdown . . . The Podcast

On May 6th, at WNYC's new Jerome L. Greene Performance Space, we opened up an age old can of worms. Jad and Robert faced off over which medium is superior -- television or radio. This American Life's Ira Glass was the referee. There were stunning jabs, wicked uppercuts, and even the occasional low blow.

In TV’s corner, Robert "The Krusher" Krulwich hit hard with stunning video images, but audio-savant Jad "Boom Boom" Abumrad pounded his opponent with the power of sound. The bout went five hard rounds and had to go to the cards for a decision. Tears were shed, and after a short intermission Jad and Robert sat down with Ira to discuss the challenges of working in both TV and Radio.


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